Anne Potter, Chairman of the Show tells us about the Show,

how it runs and what to look forward to this year…

How long has the Show been running?

The first Show was in 1952 and although we have retained many of the traditional elements it has significantly grown and today we have a wonderful fete that encompasses a horticultural show, dog show, arena events, side-stalls, Bar, BBQ and many rural attractions.


What time does the Show start?

The entrance gate opens at 12.30pm giving plenty of opportunity for our visitors to enjoy lunch from our local (and organic!) pig roast or BBQ or to picnic on the grass with ‘Pimms’ and strawberries & cream.

What do you enjoy about being Chairman of the Show?

This being my first year as Chairman this is a wonderful opportunity to meet local people and to chat to regular visitors who travel from all corners of the county and beyond (Scotland being the farthest we know of to date), and also to meet first time visitors.  Part of my role is to formally open the Show with our annual President and ‘celebrity’, the likes of Dave Bradley from our local BBC radio and Henry Sandon from BBC ‘Antiques Roadshow’ to name (drop) just a few.

Do you get feedback from the visitors?

Yes we do. We undertook a survey and by listening to our visitors we have improved our publicity of the Show, we offer a wider range of activities for children and have broadened the choice of foods available.  I also like to wander around during the day chatting to stall holders and visitors. The true success of any Show is what the public think and as one visitor summed up  “It was a show that both myself and my wife and son enjoyed – a real “proper” village show”.

I am also really pleased with the increase in entries to our Horticultural Show and with a modern twist to the range of classes to enter.

How long does it take to organise the Show?

I am very lucky to work with a great committee who help organise and run the Show.  Our first meeting takes place in January, we then meet monthly up to the Show in September. With such a pro-active committee and with everyone responsible for an element of the production it does not become so onerous on a few. We are always on the lookout for new committee members to bring fresh ideas and energy to the show. To find out more contact us at

We meet in October when we allocate the profits. Our Annual General Meeting is held in November – to which all are welcome, the date for which is always advertised in ‘The Sphere’ benefice magazine.

You mentioned an ‘allocations’ meeting – what does happen to the profits?

The profits are distributed to local groups, charities, playgroups and schools within the village and surrounding area.

What can visitors look forward at this years’ Show?

Our MC and friend Mike George of BBC Hereford and Worcester will guide us through this year’s exciting programme of entertainment. Battle of Britain Memorial Flight flypast  WWII Spitfire ;  Neil Parkinson will  also enthral us with his aerobatic skills in his modified Pitts SIS stunt bi-plane G-FORZ.; stalls, sideshows and an extremely wide variety of food and drink to suit all tastes.

You haven’t mentioned, when is the Show?

How could I forget, the most important date in the calendar… Remember Alfrick & Lulsley Show is always on the first Saturday of September. 2018 will be Saturday 1st September.

You can take part

Anything from Parsnips to Paintings or Cakes to Wine and lots more, there’s sure to be a section for you AND your children. Schools and Children’s Groups can enter too – with a  prize for the winning school entry and a donation towards the cost of materials it makes sense to have a go. All entries must be made by 9pm Thursday.

Would you like to enter something in our horticultural show, this can be Parsnips to Paintings or Cakes to Wine and lots more.

To view or download our rules, schedule, recipes and entry form click on the following links:


2024 show schedule

2024 Rules

2024 Recipes

2024 Entry Form

2024 Dog Show Schedule

2023 Classic Car entry form